Computing Web Development

JavaScript modal windows

I have an application for which I want to get some input from the user and since the UI is already overloaded, I decided to that using a pop-up window. Since I want to make sure the user is entering the information in the pop-up or returns to the application a modal (stays on top) window is one course of action.

This is the code I used in the window that opens the popup window:
<title>Parent Window</title>
<script type=”text/javascript”>

var popup = null;
var count = 0;
var pop_name = “offshoot”;
var pu_open = false;

function open_modal()
var pop_local = pop_name + count;
popup =“offshoot.html”, pop_local, “width=640,height=480,status=yes”);

function do_modal()





<a href=”javascript:open_modal()”>Open modal popup</a>



As for the popup window:
<title>Offshoot window</title>

<script type=”text/javascript”>


<body >
<h1>This is modal?</h1>
<textarea cols=”40″ rows=”5″ id=”comment” name=”comment”></textarea>


There are two bits to look at:

  • The big idea deals with the popup window retaining the focus with the onblur="self.focus()"
  • Because IE exists, we have to circumvent some silly errors, such as:
    The callee (server [not server application]) is not availableand disappeared;all connections are invalid. The call did not execute.
    One way to avert that is follow this advice and modify the name of the pop-up window – which I do using the count variable.

McAfee killed my machine. Now it is safe [McAfee Absolved]

It appears that installing Thunderbird 1.0 (replacing Thunderbird 0.9) provided an improvement lightyears better than the issue that I am describing below. VirusScan is hereby completely absolved.
ORIGINAL POSTING:::::::::::::::
I am using a Dell laptop for work and although it is not a fire-breathing implement, it is no slouch. Then again, it was really discouraging to suddenly have to contend with the fact that CPU was running at 100% and the machine hated switching Windows (despite 128 MB video card) when I had Eclipse, Tomcat and gAIM running. Uncool.
The culprit – McAfee Security Center – part of the VirusScan online – which ran at 98% CPU usage. Unacceptable.

I am looking for virus protection from a different source. Thanks, but no thanks.

SQL Server

Copying SQL Server databases having full-text catalogs

I was having a problem using SQL Server data transformation services’ database import feature. It appears that the problem was (found by my buddy and co-worker Rob) with the fact that I had a stored procedure that relied on a full-text catalog.

Since the catalog is not copied with the database, the stored procedure, that uses the full-text-search-specific predicate CONTAINS, caused the problem. Not copying it, solved the issue. I then needed to re-create the index and then re-create the stored procedure.
