Web Development

Broken WordPress theme can hurt: This is how to recover.

If you ever install a WordPress theme that causes you to see blank screens for both the admin (!) and the blog itself, do this:

Go to your Worpdress installation directory, and rename the offensive theme’s directory to something else. WordPress will detect the problem and revert to the original theme. You can then access the blog’s administrative area again.

Thanks to this post.

Computing General Web Development

Fix WordPress ‘Press This’ 404 error

Apparently WordPress has a newfangled bookmarklet (newfangled to me) that allows you to quickly post about stuff you love. Bookmarklets are awesome, btw. But it did not work, most likely because I use the search-friendly, meaningful URLs. The post I Googled gives you an idea into how to fix it but it did not work for me. Try this code instead of the one he mentions, and follow his instructions:

javascript:var d=document,w=window,e=w.getSelection,k=d.getSelection,x=d.selection,s=(e?e():(k)?k():(x?x.createRange().text:0)),f='',l=d.location,yz=l.href.replace(///g,'\/'),e=encodeURIComponent,g=f+'?u='+e(yz)+'&t='+e(d.title)+'&s='+e(s)+'&v=2';function a(){if(!,'t','toolbar=0,resizable=0,scrollbars=1,status=1,width=720,height=570')){l.href=g;}}setTimeout(a,0);void(0);


Web Development

Firebug + Bank of America = Oopsie!


This is why Bank Of America developers should check their code before it gets into production… Someone was smart enough to leave a debugging instruction (debugger;) which causes Firebug to start. Oopsie. Looks mighty professional…

Visit the page for yourself to see how long it takes them to clean up their act, if ever.
