
Quizno disappointment

I am not talking about food here, people!
Quizno’s subs used to have the most insane, original and interesting tv ads. From really stupid rats singing how much they love Quizno’s subs to a guy suckling a wolf. Really brilliant stuff.

Now all we are left with is a dumb baby that talks. Woah, how original is that? they should make a movie with this idea. John Travolta, yeah, I can see it coming together.


Squeaky McBitch is gone!

Paige Davis, the host of TLC’s ‘Trading Spaces’ is apparently not going to be with us anymore.
A common sigh of relief for all passive viewers of the show.
Really, no ill will towards Ms. Davis. Just be gone. Good luck in future projects, etc. As long as you stick to musicals and the such. Yeah.


Home Improvement Shows

I really do not know why I resent home improvement shows so much. It has to do with my strong belief that I the keyboard is mightier than the circular saw and that the knowledge that I am so under-trained in the construction arts. Putting together IKEA items is as far as I am comfortable with.

So from Paige Davis (coined as Squeaky McBitch by me in a truly inspired moment) to Tai whathisname who is now raiding the homes of the truly unfortunates and turns them into magical insta-palaces, I just feel a combination of boredom and what might be threat from this bevvy overt, in-your-face, imposing and loud self-proclaimed style authorities. Not that I do not know what is nice and not nice, as I think I do have a modicum of taste in me, but it could be the explosively energetic, blindingly sunny, disposition.

Is there no home improvement show out there that actually feels that doing all this stuff is actually an aggrevating collection of chores?
