Commercials General

Coke Lime Commercial

Coke commercials need to appeal to as many people as possible. As such they try shooting in all directions and hoping it sticks. Recently, they dropped the pretty girls and went urban, celebrity and musical. I did not like much of it all because it was so straight and uncool, so boring. But maybe Coke is back.
The Coke with Lime commercials are funny. Not sure about how original but they have spark. The tune is catchy, the acting is good and they TV guy at the end of the commercial is brilliant.


Quizno disappointment

I am not talking about food here, people!
Quizno’s subs used to have the most insane, original and interesting tv ads. From really stupid rats singing how much they love Quizno’s subs to a guy suckling a wolf. Really brilliant stuff.

Now all we are left with is a dumb baby that talks. Woah, how original is that? they should make a movie with this idea. John Travolta, yeah, I can see it coming together.
