SQL Server

SQL Server 2000 Connection Failure

SQL Server fails to install, and if installed, fails to display available servers.
It also fails to connect to a specific server. In all cases, it provides the error:
[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed

Download and install a new version of Microsoft’s MDAC(Microsoft Data Access Components).
The culprit is normally a broken ODBC driver or some dll run afoul.

Computing General

Sending one page from a document in Microsoft Word

When you have a huge document, you can choose to print just one page from it.
Why then is it not possible to e-mail just one page from a document (as you can do for the entire document)?!


Java Web Development

Axis and Java 1.5 Problem

If you use Java 1.5 and try to use Axis 1.1’s WSDL2Java utility to read a WSDL file and generate Java stubs, you will notice that when the utility generates Enumeration objects which it names enum. Enum is a keyword in Java 1.5 (whoopie!) – so your code will not compile. This sucks.

Update: April 19, 2005
To make the compilation work, use the -source 1.4 switch. In the Ant javac task, add the source attribute and set it to 1.4.
