
London impressions

It is really cold here in London this time of year.
A temperature of around 32 degrees, also known as zero centigrade or Celsius, feels much colder with windchill and humidity that seeps away any energy that’s left in the air. The result is icy cold that made me wear my otherwise emergency ski face mask. You don’t look too good with that thing on, but you know you’ll survive.

Will you hate me if I tell you that I am a reborn soccer fan? will you hate me if I tell you that despite it being cerebral, intellectual and beautiful, compared to soccer, baseball just does not cut it?
See, in soccer, you have 90 minutes of essentially non-stop action. You have 22 men who have to run, jump and kick (the ball or one another) for the entire time. In England’s Premiership, the odds are high as is the pay. There are underdogs and top dogs. Monied teams that almost have their own league going compared to the not-so-monied teams.
Yes, there is a lot less that you can plan for, because the game is so fluid, but that is also where a player’s personal skills come into play. But if a team of individuals does not gel, it is doomed.
Baseball and American Football are almost all about fits and starts. Soccer just moves on, action never stops, and when it is done well, it can be breath taking.
The catalyst for this rebirth and rediscovery comes from a visit to Stamford Bridge stadium, home of one of the wealthiest teams in the game, Chelsea. It was exciting, it was so skillful, it was exhilarating.
British Football also has its own brand of soap opera (a la baseball, T.O., etc.) and gallery of characters, such as Chelsea’s own coach, Jose Mourinho, that is known to all as Jose. In short, it is all good exciting distraction like other sports, British style.

We are expecting; very exciting, very thrilling, scary too.
For me, being with my nephew is also like a fast-forward to having a 3-year-old.
He is adorable, funny, and just a boy. But definitely something to look forward to. And yeah, not much sleep. I know.


Virgin Atlantic, Cramped

We are spending the Christmas holiday in London with Jill’s sister, her husband and their lovely son.
To get here, we bought our flight tickets far in advance, about 4 months ago, and landed a very decent deal with Virgin Atlantic (decent is facing the fact that taxes and security fees now amount to between 30-50% of most ticket prices on international flights).
What you, lucky reader, need to be aware of is that if you are flying Virgin’s economy class (like most mortals do), you are going to experience THE most cramped seating arrangements in the air. We are talking worse than anything from American, anything from United, Continental or Delta. We are talking really really bad. Knees at the back of the seat in front of you, too narrow to work on your laptop, really really narrow.
In short, really not good.

Yes, their interactive video selection is stellar and the screens are relatively large (probably because you can touch them with your nose, practically), but it is just a sham. Pay the extra $50 and fly properly.

Web Development

CSS positioning does not negate using tables

No matter how much you work with CSS and tricked out positioning, you will have a problem creating a table without actually using one.
See, the problem has to do with height, the bane of most browser design, and drawing the bottom border. You can create a bunch of <div> elements that float right next to each other, you can even draw borders on the sides and everything will appears hunky dory except for the fact that divs do not give a hoot about the aligning their bottom borders. You can be a wiseass and set the div height in the stylesheet, but then your are married to a specific height. If a user puts just a tiny bit too much data, it will not look nice.
So you can use tables. Not for layout, but just to display data in tabular format. No one will die, I will not tell and definitely the CSS god allows that.
Tables are for tables.
