Web Development

Preventing iFrame Jump on Refresh

An iFrame in the body of a page. A link on the page changes the location, i.e. reloads the iFrame.

Whenever the iFrame reloads, the page jumps to the top.

Give the iFrame the following code:
In the head portion add a JavaScript function that sets the parent window's scrollTo position to the Y position on the page you wish the page to be in after the iframe loads (e.g. 0,0) if you want it to reload to the top. Then, set the iFrame's body element's onload attribute to call this positioning function.

If WordPress’ new annoying editor worked well, I could have posted the code but apparently I am too stupid to work it out. Plain HTML did not work…

Computing Web Development

Audio sync issue in Flash

So I am working with Flash 8 at present. I am billable and that counts.
The project involves embedding video and audio clips in the Flash movies we are creating. Once published (compiled, for those who feel bette about that term) – the movies that just had an audio soundtrack exhibited a weird behavior: when you preview the movie in Flash player, the audio would sync just fine with the animation, but when viewing the movies in a browser, the synchronization would be off by seconds, even in 10 second-long movies.
The solution appears in this post on the Macromedia Flash forums.
The audio track must be on its own layer (duh) and the layer should be selected. Open the properties area (if you do not have it showing by default) and in the area where it says ‘Sound’, select the audio you just laid inside of the movie. Then, select ‘Stream’ from the Sync choices, and voila, it’ll sync just fine.


UMD is dead. Yay.

So today it was announced that outside of Sony, nobody really cares about its proprietary Universal Media Disc – UMD – which is used on Sony’s PlayStation Portable. (Details)

It was not too difficult for people to make the PSP play movies off the just-as-proprietary-but-at-least-under-your-control Memory Stick memory card. You just compress a DVD and save the file to the memory card. You then look for the movie on the memory stick and play it. So who the heck needed the stupid UMD which you cannot write to or read ANYWHERE other than the PSP?

Is Sony finally waking up to a world dominated by Samsung, LG and cheapo no-name manufacturers. People are not too keen on overpaying to get just the same quality, and worse off – be locked intoa proprietary technology. Apple, in my opinion, is not too far behind with closed formats (read iTunes) and a pricing model that hopefully someone will wake up to.
