Java WebSphere

WebSphere SSL Help from Adobe

I sort of like Adobe.

I sort of dislike Macromedia. Yes, Flash is tremendous but their support for it and the bugs in it can occasionally drive you nuts.

Still, Adobe did end up providing me help through a great tutorial, in setting up WebSphere’s SSL certificates for testing.

The tutorial has three parts that are actually more easily accessible from Google than the Adobe/Macromedia site. Anyway, the tutorial is at:

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

General Television

Rosie O’Donnel, “The Price is right”: Please god, no!

Rosie O’Donnel wants the job replacing the sublime Bob Barker as host of “The Price Is Right”. This should not be. She does not belong there. She does not neuter or spay her pets and does not do Karate into her ’80s. I pray for sanity.

Java WebSphere

Websphere refuses to start – port conflicts

An error such as:
may occur.

When this error happens, the most likely suspect is actually WebSphere itself. A stray/runaway instance may be running and hogging the ports.

To solve, either switch ports (IBM support page) or just kill the stray WebSphere instances, normally guised as java.exe (as opposed to normal Java applications that use javaw.exe).
